Bedroom Farce

23-26 January 2013

By Alan Ayckbourn, Directed by Mike Andrews

Trevor (Gavin Jones) and Kate (Carol Crossfield)

Bedroom Farce played to sell-out audiences for all four of its performances in January and was as much fun for the actors as it was for those who came to see it.


Many thanks to all those patrons who braved the elements to get to us and who cheerfully dug their cars out of the snow-bound car park on Friday night!


Our thanks also to Andy Sneddon for these great pictures from the show, and to Andy Smith for the video clips.


Cast and crew lists, audience responses and director's notes below. To read a critique of this production, click here to access our Reviews page.




ERNEST         Bernard Riley

DELIA            Pat Riley

NICK             Jon Holmes

JAN                Rachel Newby

MALCOLM      Owen Carey-Jones

KATE              Carol Crossfield

TREVOR         Gavin Jones

SUSANNAH     Stella Garside





Director                                     Mike Andrews

Assistant Director                     Andrew Sneddon

Stage Manager                         Chris Andrews

Assistant Stage Managers        Ron Darby, David Newby,

                                                 Robert Colbeck, Peter Stringer

Props                                        Anne Andrews, Dianne Newby

Lighting                                    Andy Smith, Will Andrews

Sound                                       Sam Delves

Prompt                                     Ange Smith

Front of House                          Alan Foale, Trish Underwood

                                                 and members of the Adel Players


Ernest (Bernard Riley) and Delia (Pat Riley) get ready for a night out
Trevor (Gavin Jones) and Susannah (Stella Garside) enjoy a break in the fighting
We are not amused! Nick (Jon Holmes) and Jan (Rachel Newby)
Malcolm (Owen Carey-Jones) gets an earful from Kate (Carol Crossfield)
But Malcolm knows where the shoe is
These pilchards are rather fine...
Saturday night fever?
Susannah learns the facts of life
Ernest contemplates the guttering



"Greatly enjoyed the first night of 'Bedroom Farce'. Good to see a full house on Wednesday evening: no doubt your other performances will be equally well-attended and enjoyed by all." A.G.


"Please pass on our congratulations to the cast and backroom people for Bedroom Farce. We thoroughly enjoyed the production- very well done and amusing/funny. Some years ago we saw this at The Grand in Leeds with various well known actors and found it very disappointing - quite bland and dry. All the best to the company for the future." J&A.R.


"Bedroom Farce by Adel Players is brilliant, very funny and the audience clearly loved it. All the actors were first class, Trevor was a star!" B.A.


Kate runs for cover
The party really gets going...
... whilst Nick just wants a quiet read...
...but Trevor drops in (along with his "smart" coat)
"Just take the twin-flanged cam bolt and fix to the inverted spline nut on locking bar B using the 22 gauge hex tool supplied..."
Kate admires Malcolm's handiwork
But Trevor suggests a few adjustments

DIRECTOR'S NOTES by Mike Andrews


Alan Ayckbourn is one of our most prolific playwrights and the Adel Players have been privileged to perform many of his works over the past 35 years.


Since Bedroom Farce was first released for amateurs in the late 1970s, the society has wanted to produce its own version but we have always been defeated by the staging.


How do you accommodate three double beds, plus sundry other furniture (and the actors of course!) in such a way that the audience can see all of the action? Our stage is not wide enough and prior to this year, the lighting in the main body of the Hall was insufficient to enable us to perform it in the round.


I freely admit to having spent many a sleepless night trying to work out the best way of ensuring our audience enjoy the production and I hope we have succeeded as far as the layout of our auditorium will allow.


In particular, I would like to thank our many patrons for the financial support that has enabled us to purchase our new lighting rig (securely suspended above you), construct new scenery flats and install an induction loop for those whose hearing is impaired. A new sound system will be installed in the next few months.


Bedroom Farce was first written and performed in 1975 and we have decided to set it in the same era, when there were no mobile phones, internet access or satellite television. Unfortunately we had very high inflation, power cuts and the Austin Allegro!


There was also another item as ubiquitous today as it was then – self-assembly furniture with incomprehensible instructions! So, while many things change for better or worse, others definitely remain the same.


We thank you again for your continued support.



Getting the set ready (Ron inspects the Dragon Timber stage flats)
Stage manager (Chris Andrews) shows his excitement when the lights come on. Bless.
Technical crew in full control. (L-R) William Andrews, Andy Smith, Sam Delves
Final dress rehearsal. Director (front row) contemplative whilst the audience see the funny side.
And so to bed...