Member Profile
Eric Wells
How and when did you discover Adel Players?
I returned from living in Scotland to Leeds in 1985 and at exactly the same time my brother who lived in Adel moved to Sheffield. My brother was doing the lighting for Adel Players, so it appeared natural to take on the same role.
What different roles have you fulfilled within the group?
Small walk-on parts, lighting and helping with set building.
What is involved in being in charge of lighting for a performance?
Lighting is the most creative part of any drama group: look out of your window at different times of the day, at night and in different seasons. The same scene looks markedly different due to the changes in lighting - bright, dull, sunshine, moonlight, etc. Now think of the sets on a stage. They appear finished and bland until the lighting brings them to life. Different coloured filters capture different atmospheres. Lighting can accentuate a particular feature - or suggest mysterious shadows. The permutations are endless, except for the fact we only have 12 dimmable circuits to work with. So the answer is to watch a rehearsal, look at the set, read the original director's lighting notes - then close your eyes and let your imagination take you on a journey through the setting as seen by the author. When you wake up, you instinctively know which lights to use to create the illusion.
What was your favourite production at Adel Players that you have been involved in?
'Donald and the Dragon' (January 1985).
Indulge a memory and tell us about a funny incident.
In a long ago fund-raising evening, I performed a short magic act. One of the tricks was an illusion using flash powder, which unknown to myself created a small fire on a table towards the back of the stage. The audience shouted, "it's behind you" and I responded, "oh no it isn't", thinking we were into pantomime mode. Following this, I smelt burning and quickly turned to extinguish the smouldering article.
What makes Adel Players special?
The polished performances of every play.
How has being a member of Adel Players improved your life?
In my past life I assisted with lighting at a wide number of amateur events, also acting in and producing scout gang shows. Working in sales and marketing it was usual to address large audiences and move easily in different social circles. The one thing it has done is allow me to continue exercising my imagination in many different ways.
What are your favourite social activities with the group?
The Scarborough weekends.
What would you say to someone who is considering joining Adel Players?
Come and join in where you feel most comfortable, then slowly expand your horizons in the areas which excite you most.
Where do you see Adel Players in 10 years time?
Producing three good plays each year, running from Tuesday to Saturday. Creating one, possibly two, dinner shows each year - short plays, individual performances, musical items. Creating profit for the society and the hall and promoting Adel Players to a wider audience.